September Match Report, Monthly Match
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Mormon Lake, AZ
Van, Barry, Martin, Kent, and Larry got together on Friday morning and set up a 12 lane, 2 targets/lane, 2 shots/target, 48 shot match. Target difficulty ranged from “easy” to the top of the “expert” range on the Troyer Rating Scale, for example there were 3/4” targets at 32, 27, and 29 yards. Easier targets were an 18-yard 3/4”, a 24-yard 1”, and a 11-yard 1/2”.
A mixture of easy and difficult targets encourages new shooters with success while challenging experienced shooters with tough shots.
Following all the set-up of the field target course several of the shooters got together to challenge themselves to a course of Chicken Little. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to stay for these festivities but I'm told everyone had a great time, from the oldest to the youngest (Little Red a.k.a. Cabe who was only 5 years old)! Little Red had to use a tripod and a couple of 2X4s to stand on but scored and impressive 25 out of 40 hits at 60 and 70 yards on 1/5 scale silhouettes! Keep your eyes open for the next several generations!
Martin 40/40
Kent 37/40
Cole 36/40
Carl 36/40
Steve 35/40
Barry 35/40
Van 34/40
Cabe 25/40
Saturday dawned crisp and clear. Bright, blue skies with high fluffy clouds. Temps in the mid-60s only rising to the upper 70s. Breezes were very slight and undetectable, except to our pellets! More than a few of us got caught by these tricky little puffs of air. Just enough to drift our pellets outside the hit zone or to at least cause a split.
If the light breeze didn't get you, range finding surely could have! Half of the targets were set in bright sunlight and the other half were tucked back in the shadows. We didn't realize this when setting up during the overcast conditions on Friday. The straight up Troyer Factor for the course was 28.4, but if you add in the “Extreme Light or Dark” factor it would bump the Troyer factor to somewhere around 35.5 so I'm going to estimate that the course was somewhere around a 31.95 Troyer. This is halfway between the straight up and the extreme calculation and placing it in the “Hard” category.
I don't normally mention individual performances in my match reports, but only having shot 5 perfectly clean match scores over my 31 years of shooting AAFTA Field Target I know how difficult it is to accomplish this feat. The last 2 lanes present such extreme pressure on yourself it is tremendous. So, congratulations to Lauren P for shooting a perfect score on a “Hard” AAFTA Course for the 2nd time in her shooting career!
Well, that's the view from my knot hole in the fence. Unfortunately, someone plugged the knot hole so I won't be able to report on the Annual Founders Cup in October at Mormon Lake, which will be our last match before moving back to Ben Avery for the Winter.
(By the way, we are still in search for a piece of property to purchase or lease to conduct our matches throughout the winter months since Ben Avery hasn't been able to accommodate a more suitable venue. If you know of a location, please let one of the club officers know.)
Respectfully Submitted,
Larry Piercy
President, Airgunners of Arizona