Field Target Match Information
Airgunners of Arizona hosts Field Target matches on the third Saturday of each month, year round. During Spring, Fall, and Winter these matches are held at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF) in Phoenix, AZ. During the Summer months, we migrate north to the cool pines of Mormon Lake. Our "Calendar" page will have exact dates of the matches. See the "Location" tab, under "Match Rules & Information" for directions to the various venues.
We also hold club matches weekly called TRAC (Tuesday Retired Airgun Challenge), all ages welcome.
All TRAC matches are shot at BASF Pistol Silhouette Range These are full field target matches that happen weekly for club members and those guests considering joining the club.
Monthly matches typically start at 10:00 am to allow for participant traveling time. This is preceded by sight in, starting around 8:00 am, and the shooter's safety meeting / lane assignment at 9:45 am.
TRAC matches typically start around 8:30. This is preceded by set up and sight in, starting around 7:30 am and shooters safety meeting / lane assignment at 8:15 am. Times may vary based on the heat.
The cost of the regular monthly match and TRAC matches are $10.00 for members, $15.00 for non-members. Youth shooters under the age of 18 shoot free when accompanied by a parent who is also shooting.
If the monthly match is slated to be a larger event or GP event, prices will be adjusted for that match.
Club membership is available for individuals over the age of 18 for $25.00 annually and for families, including children up to age 18 for $40.00 annually. See "About Us", "Membership" for more information.
AAFTA Field Target rules may be found in "Match Rules & Information", "Official AAFTA Rules"