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Airgunners of Arizona August Match Report

August 17, 2024 - Mormon Lake, AZ

Larry Piercy, match director

Monthly results.jpeg

What a nice break from the heat in the Phoenix valley! Temperatures started in the high 60's and reached into the mid 80's at the venue at Mormon Lake. In addition to cooler temps the wind reached a blistering 5 mph (maybe) a couple of times during the match. We did have a few gusty periods but they were very short lived and you only had to wait a few seconds for them to subside. And no rain bursts this month either! Blue skies with a few high wispy, white clouds and of course the great scenery was the order of the day!

           The course was set up in a U shape with 7 lanes on the left side of the roadway and the remaining 5 lanes on the right side. This really reduces the number of steps when going from lane 12 to lane 1! The older I get the more I appreciate that idea! All 12 lanes had 2 targets which everyone shot twice each for a 48-shot match. The course included one lane of standing targets. There were at least 4 targets set in the shadows which I considered “Extreme Dark” but this factor was not considered in the 29.7 Troyer Factor rating nor was any of the wind. There were also several targets mounted up on the tree trunks but none that I considered to qualify as “Extreme Up” so 29.7 is just a raw rating. With environmental factors the course was most likely in the low 30s but difficult enough to identify the best shooters.

           As usual a big thanks to our great team of Club members who helped set up the course. In no particular order they are: Barry D, Van T, Kent G, Cole R, Carl F, and yours truly. Also, thanks to everyone who helped Barry D and Van T collect the course on Sunday after everyone had a chance to shoot through again. And thanks to Mary Ann M who handled registration and collected shooting fees. She also lets us store our targets in her garage. This is such a great benefit.

           It was a challenging course, as is reflected by the scores below. However, Van T was able to clean the course with a perfect 48! I only mention this because Van cleaned the course last month also. I would say there is something fishy going on but I know Van too well. He's a great shooter and earned both perfect scores.

           As a warm-up for the Saturday's Field Target Match Kent G organized a Chicken Little competition late Friday afternoon. I thought I would give it a try to see what it was like. Of course, I made several rookie mistakes starting with not having any dope beyond 55 yards (silhouettes were at 50, 60, 70, and 80 yds.) and also not realizing there were not 1 but 2 chickens at each yardage on my first round. Well, someone has to be last so I saved someone else! (HaHa!) Here are the scores:

Chicken Little scores;
Cole – 35, Kent – 35, Van - 35, Bobby – 33, Steve – 33, Carl – 31, Ryan – 24, Sandy – 21, Larry – 20

Hopefully everyone is looking forward to next month's Arizona State PCP Championship at this beautiful venue, September 20 – 22. You can get all of the details on the attached Notice and register using the attached Registration form. Please register before September 9, 2024 so that we can plan for your attendance. You can send your registration and pay via PayPal to:




or you can register using the information on the Registration form. Until next month, practice, practice, practice and most of all BE SAFE!

Respectfully Reported,

Larry Piercy
President & Match Director, Airgunners of Arizona

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