Field Target Club

Airgunners of Arizona, Inc. - Bylaws

1.1. The name of the club shall be: Airgunners of Arizona hereinafter referred to as the Club. 1.2. The web site for the Club is:

2.1. Subject to the matters set out below, the Club and its property shall be administered and managed in accordance with these bylaws and constitution by the elected officers and the active paid membership in general.

2.2. The Club shall maintain in force a liability insurance policy. 

2.3.  All members and guests registered to shoot in any match are required to sign an insurance waiver.

3.1. Encourage and facilitate the development of and participation in the sport of air rifle and air pistol shooting on a local and state level in Arizona.

3.2. To organize matches or competitions for the benefit of the members. 

3.3. To cooperate with and to support any other shooting associated body or club in matters of mutual interest, state, national, or international. (International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF), United States Air Rifle Benchrest ( USARB), or the American Airgun Field Target Association (AAFTA)

3.4. Promote safety, fellowship and sportsmanship for all Members and Participants

3.5. To engage, from time to time, in charitable activities consistent with the goals and objectives of the Club.

4.1. In furtherance of the objectives, but not otherwise, the Officers or Members, with approval of the paid membership, may exercise the following powers;

4.1.1. Raise funds and solicit and receive contributions provided that in so doing there shall be no undertaking of any substantial permanent trading activities and all activities shall conform to any relevant requirements of state or local laws.

4.1.2. Buy, lease, or exchange any property necessary for the achievement of the objectives and to maintain and equip it for proper use.

4.1.3. Sell, lease, or dispose of all or any property of the Club.

4.1.4. Cooperate with other clubs, organizations, or individuals engaged in furtherance of the Club objectives and to exchange information and advice with them.

4.1.5. Support any charitable trusts, Clubs or institutions formed for all or any of the objectives

4.1.6. To do all such lawful and ethical things as necessary for the achievement of the Club objectives.

4.1.7 No part of the net earnings of the Club shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the Club shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article 3 hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the Club shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Club shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Club shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
5.1. Membership of the Club shall be open to individuals who are interested in furthering the objectives of the Club and who have paid the annual dues as fixed by the Club.

5.1.1. Individual Membership dues of $25.00 shall be due and payable on January 1st of the calendar year.  

5.1.2. Family Membership dues of $40.00 shall be due and payable on January 1st of the calendar year

5.1.3. Those choosing to join during the year shall be pro-rated at the rate of $2.00 per month (individual), $3.50 per month (family) to meet the January time frame.

5.2. The classes of membership are:

5.2.1. Annual Member is a person who has paid his or her membership dues for the current year.

5.2.2. Family Membership is defined as a couple, with or without children.

5.2.3. Junior Member is a person who has not attained the age of 18 as of January 1st of the current year.

5.2.4. Honorary Life Member is a person who has been elected to such membership by a motion supported by not less than two-thirds of the voting members in recognition of that person’s outstanding service to the Club or the sport.

6.1. The members shall elect from amongst themselves a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, historian, and safety range officer.

6.2. President

6.2.1  Preside over Club meetings and other events sponsored or hosted by the Club

6.2.2  Provide leadership and direction in meeting the Club objectives.

6.2.3  Such other duties as he or she wishes to perform with the advice and consent of the membership consistent with the objectives of the Club.


6.3 Vice President

6.31 Perform the duties of the President in his or her absence


6.4 Secretary

6.4.1   Keep all Club records, including contact information for all members

6.4.2   Provide notice of all meetings or pending votes.

6.4.3   Serve as Webmaster to maintain the Club website or appoint someone to cover that responsibility.

6.4.4   Post the match results to the website in a timely manner

6.4.5   Engage in such other duties as he or she wishes, consistent with the objectives of the Club.


6.5  Treasurer

6.5.1  Manage and keep the money and finances of the Club with advice and consent of the Officers.

6.5.2  Pay all invoices as submitted by and/or with the approval of the officers.

6.5.3  Prepare an annual reconciliation on December 31st of the current year of the financial records.  This report to be submitted to and kept with the records maintained by the Secretary.


6.6  Historian

6.6.1  Document Club activities as they occur.

6.6.2  Organize and sort pictures and documents for the preservation of the Club’s historical linage and activities.

6.7.1  Shall recommend and implement safety procedures for the Club

6.7.2  Shall ensure individual and club compliance with safety procedures, including match and range safety

6.7.3  Shall engage in relevant technical inspection of air guns and individual or Club equipment to ensure safe operation.

6.7.4  Survey all match locations and for any danger or safety issues. 

6.7.5  Design, setup, and administer matches and act as the ultimate decision maker on all rules, scoring, and other issues that may arise during a match.

7.1. The funds of the Club, including all donations, contributions, bequests, and match fees shall be paid into an account operated by the Club and managed by the Treasurer.

7.2. Monthly match/range fees shall be collected on the day of and prior to the start of the match.  Collected fees shall be turned in to the Treasurer or deposited by an Officer in a timely manner.  Match fees are as follows:

7.2.1. Individual or Family Member in good standing $10.00

7.2.2. Guest $15.00

7.2.3. 1st time shooter or guest is free

7.2.4. Junior member is free when shooting with a paid member.

7.2.5. Honorary member shall shoot free

7.2.6. Fees for the State match or other special events shall be as determined  by the Club. 7.2.7. All officers shall be in possession of a Debit Card from the financial institution.  All transactions (credit/debit) to the card by an officer must be reported to the Treasurer immediately and supported by a receipt.

7.2.8. The funds belonging to the Club shall be utilized only in furthering the objectives of the Club.

8.1. Members who are current in their annual membership are entitled to one vote on matters presented to the club. 

8.1.1. A matter brought up by the membership at a monthly shoot shall be voted on by the members present at that shoot.

8.1.2. A matter brought up a member or officer at other times may be voted on electronically by an email solicitation conducted by the Secretary.

8.1.3. Every resolution shall be decided by a simple majority, except for Honorary Life Membership (see 5.2.3).   
8.1.4. The President shall cast the deciding vote in all tie votes.

9.1. Monthly matches shall be held the 3rd Saturday of the Month. 

9.1.1. The secretary shall be responsible for informing the membership of the date and location of the monthly match and any special circumstances pertaining to the scheduled match.

9.2. A monthly match shall be considered as a meeting for the purposes of conducting business, said meeting to follow the match.   

10.1 These bylaws shall be posted on the Club website and reviewed annually.

10.2 The President shall appoint a committee to review the by-laws and make recommendations for updates or amendments.
 7 October  2017 - Adopted

19 December 2020 - Revised to add section 4.1.7