Field Target Club

Airgunners of Arizona Non Match Report

February 18, 2017 - BASF - Phoenix, AZ

Yes, that is correct.  This is a non-match report only because we were not able to shoot today due to the weather.  We were able to dodge the bullet previously, but today the weatherman was correct.  It rained heavily and the winds were as predicted; 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 35 mph and temps in the high 40’s to low 50’s.  Needless to say, it was not conducive to an enjoyable experience, so we pulled the plug on today’s match and will hope for better weather next month.

We still had six diehards in attendance and ready to go; 3 planning on shooting hunter class, and the other 3 shooting open class.  No freestyle shooters today, although shooting prone on an inflatable raft may have worked.

Wayne, Don, and I set up the course on Friday in 20 minutes flat; record time.  Accounting for the wind, but hoping that the rain would hold out, we had 10 lanes with two targets per lane with the calculated Troyer factor at 34.2. 

We planned on shooting the first 5 lanes until completion, and then if the rains held out, we would shoot the second 5 lanes.  Good plan, but not today.  Instead we stood around getting soggy under our umbrellas as one storm cell rolled through and then we tracked the big storm cell headed our way on one of the guy’s smart phone.  Looking to the south, we could see it coming right at us, so instead of getting caught in the middle of it, we scurried to gather the targets and pack them away until next month.

A valiant effort but to no avail, however our spirits are still high.  Better luck next month.

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Kauffman
Secretary, Airgunners of Arizona