Field Target Club

TRAC match – July 21, 2020

Only three shooters today; Barry, Mike, and myself.  Larry had tweaked his back, and Ben was attending to other responsibilities.  Either way, Barry was waiting for me when I arrived and we set up the 5 lane course by shortly after 8:00…..when Mike finally arrived.  He seemed to have a little internal problem that was coffee related…..or so he says.

Thought we were going to have an ideal shooting situation with plenty of cloud cover, and next to no wind.  The temps were normal but the humidity felt higher and a bit muggy.  The second half of the match was noticeably different with the cloud cover burned off, the sun was bright but not brilliant, and the winds picked up.  They came from predominantly 11:00, but kept switching from there around to 2:00 and back again.  Fortunately, they were only around 5 – 7 mph.

Mike ended up being top-gun once again, shooting his Thomas for 38/40.  Barry was only 2 points behind shooting his Red Wolf, and yours truly was 2 points behind Barry shooting my TX-200.

After starting at about 8:45, we were finished by 10:45 and headed over for burgers at Wild Horse West.  Good time to do that as we were the only ones there!

Next match is this coming Saturday, the “back up” match for Mormon Lake in the event that fire restrictions or Covid restrictions would have canceled it.  We will shoot our regular time frame with a 10:00 start.

Next Tuesday, July 28, will be the last TRAC match for July.  We will see what kind of response we get for August before we attempt to schedule for that.  These Tuesday matches are a good excuse to get out of the house, and we still practice social distancing.  Yes, it is a PITA, but rules are rules……for now……and when our “normal” normal returns, we can go back to being ourselves.  Meanwhile, we still get out and shoot.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Kauffman

Secretary, Airgunners of Arizona, Inc.