Field Target Club

TRAC match – June 9, 2020

 By demand, we are extending this match series into June.  Did not have one last week and boy, did I hear about it.  So, we requested and got approved for the last 4 Tuesdays in June, in addition to the monthly match on June 20 in lieu of not being able to shoot at Mormon Lake this month.

Temperature-wise today, it was perfect!  The five of us that shot got there early and had the course set up and ready to go by 8:30.  We finished shooting at 10:00!  We had our usual 5 lanes/2 targets per/blah, blah, blah, but each person shot and scored themselves, so we flew through.  Once finished and loading up to put everything away, the temps were rising and felt considerably warmer.  Earlier shooting is definitely beneficial.

Todays drawback; the WIND!  NWS called for 5-10 mph with sustained up to 20 mph.  We had…….maybe……two or three shots where we had no wind.  Everything else was Mother Nature laughing her fool head off.  “So, you guys want to shoot today, huh…….Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……!”  Needless to say, we were challenged.

Old Man Mike (Thomas) likes to rub our noses in it by shooting a 37/40 for high score……again.  Barry (Red Wolf) shot 35/40, followed by Mark (D54 “Miss Diana”) with 28/40.  Still working on getting her back in shape.  Larry (Daystate Tsar) shot 27/40 and Scott (Marauder .22cal) decided to give it a try and shot 25/40.

After the recent early heat wave, today was quite enjoyable.  We will do it again next week.  Any club member having the time and desire is welcome to join us.

Respectfully submitted.

Mark Kauffman

Secretary, Airgunners of Arizona, Inc.