Field Target Club

TRAC match – February 2, 2021

February 2 – Groundhog day.  The east coast is being pummeled in a winter storm, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, and predicts 6 more weeks of winter, and 7 of us shot the TRAC match in the best conditions we could ever expect for this time of year!

It was 73 degrees when we started the match and 79 degrees when we finished.  This is the beginning of February for crying out loud. The skies were cloudy, with patchy sunshine, and the wind was only in the 1 to 3 mph area but swirling a bit.  You wouldn’t think it would create a concern, but it did.  Old man Mike missed his very first shot!  Does that give you an indicator?

We shot at Casa Crist today (Gene’s back yard), where 5 lanes were set up with small kill zones at distance.  At half time, we moved the firing lines back another 5 yards or so, which meant those small KZ’s got smaller!  Try a ½” KZ at 30 yards, and a 1” KZ at 45 yards.  Gene really has a penchant for wanting to piss people off…..LOL…..but did a good job in ensuring there were no perfect scores on his watch.

It was hard to determine the wind today because the firing lines were in protected areas near walls in his backyard and on either side of his house.  You could not feel the wind.  Lane one was designated offhand and only 3 of us went 7/8 on knockdowns.  The rest of the lanes were stretched out, and if you knew where to look, you could see tell-tales that moved to determine wind direction.  Great setup and a lot of fun to shoot.  You did a good job, Gene!

Old man Mike – 38/40 with his Thomas.

Gene – 37/40 with his Redwolf

Scott – 31/40 with his .22 Marauder (he is coming along nicely)

Mark – 30/40 with Miss Diana (D54 springer)

Barry (basketball Jones) – 30/40 with his Brocock Concept

Wayne – 26/40 with his Brocock Sniper

Larry – 22/40 with his Daystate CR-X (wind got him)

Next week we will be back here again, and for the rest of the month while the R/S range at BASF is being worked on.

A big thanks to Gene and Alma for allowing us to invade their turf.  They seemed to enjoy it.  Don’t worry, we’ll be back.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Kauffman

Secretary, Airgunners of Arizona, Inc.