Field Target Club

TRAC match – August 18, 2020

Five shooters today.  All showed up early and course was set and shooting started around 8:15. We finished by 9:45.

The weather was warm and muggy.  Started in the 90’s and when the match finished it was 105.  Mostly cloudy with patches of sunshine, but the clouds were not moving, hence we had next to no wind.  We did get a little towards the end of the match, but nothing to speak of.  We also got rain!  About two dozen really big drops on the corrugated canopy cover just after the halfway mark, and then about four dozen really big drops towards the end of the match.  It was just enough to make splotches on our vehicles and evaporated immediately.

Old man Mike was once again top gun with a 39/40.  Barry was right behind with a 38/40.  Ben made the match today and shot 36/40 with yours truly shooting 35/40.  Gene is shooting well for only buying his gun last week, shooting last Tuesday and at the match on Saturday.  Today he turned in a 33/40.  I would like to say he is a new shooter, but he has had a “little” experience before.  Good shooting.

I polled the guys and they want to continue shooting, so I will put in a request for all 5 Tuesdays in September.  If any of the members are available and want to join us, c’mon down.

Afterwards we hit Wild Horse West for burgers.  Gene really liked his and went home and raved about them to his wife……who immediately gave him hell because he didn’t bring her one.  There is always next week…..LOL!

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Kauffman

Secretary, Airgunners of Arizona