Sandy and Emma





We had 24 shooters competing in four classes.  Every class had one set of shooters tied.  Turns out that none of the shooters wanted a shoot off so the ties were broken based on the most hits in a row, from their starting lane, that each shooter had.  Open PCP had 5 shooters with Bobby and Sandy tying for third place with 38/48.  Sandy broke that tie for 3rd place.  (Note that Sandy's placement is incorrect in scores shown below)

Hunter PCP had 10 shooters with Van and Kent tied for 2nd with 42/48. Van broke that tie with the longest string of hits.  In WFTF (some like to call it just WTF as noted on score cards), there were 4 shooters with Bill and Garrett tied for 2nd at 36/48.  Bill broke that tie for 2nd place.  And in Freestyle class, with 5 shooters, Pat and John both tied for 2nd place with 35/48.  That tie was broken by Pat.

Here are the scores and equipment stats:


Nathan and Lauren


Steve M  "Monty"

Saturday morning dawned clear and pleasantly cool, with not a cloud in the sky.  With the course set up facing south, and mostly all of the shooting positions in the open, we had a chance to work on our tans while the wind was coming at us out of the southwest.  The wind ranged from dead calm to moderate with some gusts and a bit of swirling at times.  You can actually hear when the wind picks up because of the sound it makes moving through the trees.  It also picks up in volume as it increases in velocity. The temps were in the 70’s but cooled noticeably towards the end of the match when the patchy cloud cover rolled in.  That should give a fair idea of shooting conditions.

Crystal, her Dad, Kent, and Carl chatting between lanes

Gotta thank Rex and Steve Q for setting up and running a side match on Friday afternoon.  They brought along .22 rimfire sized silhouette targets.  They set up a Ram, a turkey, a pig, and 2 chickens (3 banks of each) at distances of 40, 50, 60, and 70 yards.  We had 10 minutes to knock over the 20 critters.  When all shooters ran through the course once, we all did it again the second time for a 40-shot match.  Don’t have any scores just yet, but Rex said he would email them to me and I will edit this report to include them.

After the match, the scores were tallied and the tied shooters were polled, ties were broken and award pins were presented to the winners.  It was decided that the course was to be left up as a number of shooters wanted to shoot through again.  Why not, it was a beautiful day, a challenging course, and great group of shooters that we like to call friends.  It doesn’t get much better than that.

Next month’s match will be Saturday, July 20 (third Saturday of month), same times and same place.  Will we see you there?

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Kauffman

Field Target Club


Here is this months group of shooters.  Pic was taken after the match and several of the crew are already gone.  Thanks to Tanya for taking the picture.

Secretary, Airgunners of Arizona

This is Colben.  He is the future of the club and air gun shooting.  Proud dad, Cole, is in the background with the big smile on his face.  These pics were taken just before the silhouette side shoot and Colben was NAILING the spinner targets while the gun rested on a camp stool.

Does he look like he is having fun????  You betcha!

Cole shooting and Mike "watching"

A few random pic's

The group watching as Lauren is working with Tanya who is on the sight in line shooting after the match.

While the shooters were in the open, the targets were tucked away here and there on the ground amongst the trees, on stumps, on fallen logs, and in the trees.  The crew found all form of objects which to attach the targets which also gave them the illusion of being darker.  It was an interesting turnabout that had some of us second guessing our ranging estimations.  They did a good job of creating a very challenging course.  The Troyer factor, without wind or dark targets, was a 34.40.  There was one target that Bobby was accused of setting that was a 1”KZ set at 46 yards for a T factor of 51.75!  With us in the open and the target back in the woods and dark, several of us ranged it around 51 yards, some in the upper 40’s, and one guy thought it was 35 yards (and even hit it once).  That was a tough one and was knocked down by only 43% of the shots fired at it.

John, aka "Papa Smurf"

Steve H

Colben doing the actual scoring for his Dad and Mike

Mary Ann, our club treasurer, brought the twins, Emma and Sam with her this morning.  They are shown here hanging out with Samson.

Airgunners of Arizona Monthly Match Report

Saturday, June 15, 2019 - Mormon Lake, AZ

Pat setting up to shoot with Garrett lounging

Up front, I also want to thank Van, Steve H (we had three Steve’s this weekend, just to confuse things), Mary Ann, and Tanya for taking all the pictures shown in the report this month.  There were some great pictures from various positions to give different points of view.  Thank you for doing that!  That is a big load off of my shoulders.

It is June, and we are back up in the pines above Mormon Lake at our summer venue, until October, and loving every minute of it.  More and more of the crew are showing up early, Thursday or before and making a looooong weekend of camping and enjoying the out-of-doors.  Steve M, Steve Q, Rex, Cole, Van, Kent, Bobby, and Sandy were all there early and had a 12 lane / 24 target / 48 shot course set up.  The only thing needed were the strings, which came up from the valley with the rest of targets on Friday noon.  A big thanks to these guys ‘n gals for their work.  It is much appreciated

Bill shooting on lane 1 with entourage in background

Samson and what is left of a frisbee