Field Target Club

TRAC match – July 28, 2020 (Tuesday Retired Airgun Challenge)

We held our last TRAC match for July today.  This makes 7 full field target matches for the month.  Due to enough interest, we have been approved for the 4 Tuesdays in August as well.

Today, the four of us that shot did something a little bit different.  Although we set the same type of course; 5 lanes/2 targets per/ shoot through once/move targets/shoot through again/40 shot match, we set all the targets beyond the 40-yard marker.  Most were between 44 and 54 yards…..and darned hard to determine the distances. 

It wasn’t too bad the first half of the match, but with the temps heating up, the sunshine bright with no cloud cover, eye strain, mirage, and a slight left to right breeze, the second half of the match was a challenge!  It was an interesting experiment only because the scope focusing between those two extreme distances is so difficult and close together to start with.

Barry, shooting his Red Wolf, was top gun today with 36/40.  Mike was having a tough time determining distance, shooting his Thomas with that high-buck Kahles scope, and ended up with 35/40.  Yours truly was shooting his TX200 at 12 fpe and was only able to garner 23/40 (much worse on second half) and Eric, who finally joined us, was shooting his Brocock Bantam and finished with 16/40.  Definitely an eye opener and a challenging course set up.  After all, we can’t have the old man (Mike) cleaning the course every week…..LOL!

As stated above, we have the four Tuesday’s in August scheduled if you would like to join us and are available.  It gets us out in the fresh air and keeps us from hanging out in bars all day.  We usually get there about 7:30 and are set up by 8:00.  Do a little sight in and get started shooting by 8:30. We usually finish up by 10:30 and then put everything away before it gets too hot.  Really looking forward to the monsoon to roll in.  It would be neat to shoot with cloud cover, and even maybe a little drizzle while sitting under the canopy. That would be nice.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Kauffman

Secretary, Airgunners of Arizona, Inc (aka one of the old farts)